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Well the first night with 3.002 brought a prestigious crowd.

Duke (911) and Zipuli joined six "locals"

The first scenario we played was Zipuli's "Jaala Rescue Operation"

Mentioned here:


This was hosted locally (with Zipuli and Duke on the far end of the connection)

This is a complex environment with some five "sides" (Friendly ground forces, Enemy ground forces, Civilians, Convoy survivors and Heliborne extraction force)

The Finns have to secure an LZ near the survivors of a shot up convoy and hold it while the helos arrive to take the survivors away.

Some "limitations":

Civilians remain on the map moving around and are not to be engaged.

Map updates for Red were off so people needed to provide grids to the enemy.

Lastly only the FO could call for fire through observation (no plotting missions from the map).

Zipuli was running FRAPS so depending on how much lag he had, he may make a video out of it.

Teaching Points:

1. The more sides, the longer it takes to load. One or two people thought they had "crashed" but just needed patience.

2. Dismounted mortars work better when they get out of their truck.

Lots of positive comment on the new graphics.

AAR here:


The second scenario we played was Eisenschwein's "Carpe Diem1989_1_200913_englisch" using his magnificent Hünfeld map.

This was hosted on the PzBtl 911 server (with "us" on the far end of the connection)

This is an advance to contact by the FRG vanguard trying secure some reserve demolitions before the Soviets can seize the crossings.

Teaching Points:

1. Don't look at the beautiful sunrise because your driver will crash into the safety barrier and kill himself. :)

AAR here:


We bid our visitors farewell and then re launched Ziplui's mission to test the pause / rejoin process to replicate a person being left behind. Again patience needed with a multi sided scenario but it worked fine.

So now next week is "Training Night" and I guess we will be looking at some more 3.002 specific items.

Hope you can make it!

Edited by Gibsonm
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S! Guys

I enjoyed sitting in and listening to what was going down..

As you know I got 3 up and running so all good there.

I am gonna give it a try and sort out my ports tonoght when i get in to see if i can join up next time..



Drop me a PM or email if you want a hand on a machine to test your connection with.

I need to go out to dinner at 7:00 pm my time (9:00pm yours) so it would need to be settled before then though.

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S! Guys

I enjoyed sitting in and listening to what was going down..

As you know I got 3 up and running so all good there.

I am gonna give it a try and sort out my ports tonoght when i get in to see if i can join up next time..



O_Smiladon, thanks for joining us last night and it's good to see more genuine Kiwis joining BG ANZAC, rather than an Aussie ring-in like me. Look forward to having you join us for more virtual tanking in future!

If this keeps up we may need to replace the M113AS4 as our APC of choice with the NZLAV :sonic:


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The Reuters cameraman embedded with our combat team has established a satellite uplink from the LZ and submitted these photos taken during the action to his bureau chief for syndication:

1. A damaged callsign Bravo One defends the LZ while buildings in Jaala burn


2. Callsign Viper's NH90s flare behind Bravo Three on final approach to the LZ


Expect publication of these images in all major online and print news publications overnight.

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Where's this pic of the young woman the guys were maintaining a "Situational Awareness" watch on? :biggrin:

C'mon man, get with the program!! :)

Well, it was the boys in my section staying on top of the female civilians. The Reuters hack was embedded with our platoon commander's section where there was a bit more shooting going on and less time to dedicate to "Civil Affairs"...

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Didn't miss it, but wasn't quite dressed like everyone else.

I note my Kiwi friend thought it was "sweet" (i.e. good) that I might be standing my wife up. ;)

Sounds like you should keep a set of your "Dress 1s" (?) in your locker at work. Nothing like arriving with a bit of panache/flair :)

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