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TF Hannibal Campaign PvP 20th of July

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TF Hannibal is a new group focusing on OpFor equipment and tactics if this interests you, join the discord and help grow our collective knowledge on OpFor - Keep within OPSEC

This is our first mission in our TF Hannibal Campaign part of the Pre-deployment phase TF Hannibal conduct EX GOLD STRIKE with the British Army to learn from each other and create diplomatic ties while elements of NATO and TF Hannibal's Airborne units are training in Cyprus bringing Donovia closer to NATO.



Rules and general points

Arty can not be used to target each teams starting locations.

No 'Cheesing' gamey play. (honour system)

Stay within the boundaries of the map.

After capturing an objective (2 AFVs in zone) you will receive limited reinforcements (Obj Copper/Zinc IFVs - Obj Steel Tanks.)

Each Side receives 432 Rounds of HE and 216 Rounds of Smoke.

Depending on player count, if you take a non leadership role you may end up moving into troop leading if no one has already taken the role.

There is a 1hr 30min time limit after which scores will be tallied up

3 points each for Obj high ground, Finger and Chisenbury - 5 points each for Obj Copper and Zinc - 10 points for Obj Steel. Vehicles score a point to their team for remaining 'Alive' - Tanks (2 points), IFVs (1 point).

An Objective is 'Captured' by a team when they have a stronger force within the objective at the end of the match.




Teamspeak: - Will be live on the day of the event.


Stick to your timings, no vodka if you are late!


EVENT TIME: 1800Z 1900BST 2000CET


*TF Hannibal in no way support the real life actions of Russia, but just enjoy fighting in sh*t kit."








CO Challenger: 

XO Warrior:


A1 Challenger 2:

A1-1: ColeBrook

(4 Tanks)


A2 Challenger 2:

A2-1: SwissAdmiral

(4 Tanks)


B1 Warrior (NLAW + JAV(1-1B)): 


4 Vehicles


B2 Warrior (NLAW): 


4 Vehicles



9 Challenger

9 Warrior


TF Hannibal


CO T72B3: RedFox



Azov-1 T72B3 Troop:

Azov1-1: ErnieSquid

(3 Tanks)


Azov-2 T72B3 Troop:

(3 Tanks)


Azov-3 BMP 2 Plt (31-2 AT-5 Konkurs):


(3 Wagons)


Crimea-1 T72B3 Troop:

C1-1: BoogieTheW

(3 Tanks)



Crimea-2 T72B3 Troop:

C2-1: Stewbert

(3 Tanks)


Crimea-3 BMP 2 Plt (31-2 AT-5 Konkurs):

C3-1: Sadry

(3 Wagons)



13 T72B3

7 BMP 2


As per usual any objections to the amount of troops each side, throw them onto the '#steel-beasts' channel on our discord.

Edited by RedFox
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