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Kanium 16jun24 Aufklärung vorraus

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Situation 272300Zmay87

Since 22may87, 20th armoured brigade (UK) has been defending against the 94th guard division in an AoR South of Munster and Soltau.
The brigade was forced to give ground to the line SOLTAU-BERGEN, but destroyed more then 70% of the Gurad divisions combat power.
Introdction of a sowjet reserve division, forced 20th armoued brigade to  fall back to the line: FRIELINGEN-BOSTEL-BOMLITZ.
They are currently able to stop enemy Combat recon, but will not be sufficent to stop any further attacks.-

The rapid advance of enemy units has cut of british light infantry units and german Home guard elements in SOLTAU. They currently hold a 360° defence of the town
and have so far prevented enemy forces from entering the city.

PzGren Brig 32 has been tasked to relieve 20th Brig (UK) by attack.
The combat BN of the brigade have reached VISSELHÖVEDE, PzAufklKp 320 currently establishing contact with UK units near FRIELINGEN.

The enemy attacke is currently stalled, and switched to a hasty defence, until all elements of the 119th Mech-division can be rotated in.
When the 119th can take full effect in the AoR, we predict a renewed attack in order to take VISSELHÖVEDE and a push forward towards VERDEN.

South of SOLTAU we suspect the 1192 MechRgt.
The Rgt is currently a 90% strenght, and streched between containing the forces in SOLTAU, and eststablishing a defensive line south of SOLTAU  in order to
generate the conditions for  further attack.

PzGrenBrig 32 is to attack over the lines of 20th Armd Brig (UK) in order to:
- destroy MechRgt 1192
- retake Positions of the SOLTAU-BERGEN defensive line, and defend this positions against Enemy attack
- relieve the forces in SOLTAU


PzAufKlKp 320:
- est. contact with Uk forward positions
- push back enemy recon elements behind the line LEITZINGEN-RIEPE-EICKHOF-VIERDE in order to secure the staging area of PzGrenBrig32


Brigade needs to know:
- are there enemy obstacles blocking the planned AoA 1, 2 and 3
- are the bridges across the BÖHME in and around DORFMARK passable by tanks
- where are the forward enemy defensive positions and the main dfensive line
- indentify the forces defending the area...


After reaching the recon objectives, PzAufKlKp 320 is to maintain contact with the enemy until relieved by attack of PzGrenBrig32


PzAufklKp is then prepared to conduct screening operations in the Brigades Flanks


Combat Support:
Arty: Support from 2 batteries PzArtBn 325 (3 batteries, 6 tubes each )
        126 round of HE, 64 round SMK, 96 rounds DPCIM

Eng: None

CSS: Available after the main forces PzGrenBrig 32 arrive (so, none)




RO Kanium 16jun24 Aufklärung vorraus_Gelände Erkd.sce

Edited by Grenny
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-manning list  PzAufKlKp 320 -


image.png.d4c2801e57660658414030da509c24a0.png     image.png.3aead70d48a7204d1b27b797c1640c29.png


A66(Leo2A4): SwissAdmiral




A1, Patrol(H) Leo2A4

A11: Higgs


A14: Sky4K


A2, Patrol(H) Leo2A4

A21: Major Duck


A24: Connaugh


A3, Patrol(H) Leo2A4

A31: Chrisreb





A4, Patrol(H) Leo2A4

A41: Nike




B1, Patrol(L)+, 2xLuchs/1xFuchs:

B11: Kingtiger

B12(Fuchs): Wiglif

B14: Snoggy


B2,Patrol(L)+, 2xLuchs/1xFuchs:

B21: Grenny


B24: Hedgehog


Maybe: Nike-Ajax


Edited by Grenny
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