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TF Hannibal 'OpFor' Saturday 25th May "Footing the Bill"

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Situation: Its 4 days after the Berlin Wall fell, and the forces that demanded independence as well as those who wished to retain their power fell into a messy civil war almost as soon as the first bricks were being pulled away. Western Germany has taken the opportunity to reclaim its lost territories along the border from Eastern Germany. Caught up in the middle of this mess is your Soviet armoured battalion.

Your battalion is surrounded on all sides by... Units. We aren't sure how many of them are friend or foe. Some of the aforementioned units are West German, which can be assumed to be enemy. Some of the units, however, will be rebellious East German combat units that will be allied to the West Germans. Additionally, as if target identification wasn't hard enough, the group you will be rendezvousing with are East German Security Forces that are currently still allied to the Soviets.


Orders: You are to move through the enemy lines to your northwest with the intention of meeting the friendly East German forces roughly 10km to the northwest, assaulting all 3 objectives on the way and routing the enemy from them. This is to ensure that the battalion has as clear a path as possible to follow you once you break through. The rest of your battalion is busy holding the flanks of your pocket, and thus are unable to assist in the breakthrough. Because of your mission's importance, however, you have been allotted most of the support units your battalion possesses. Your initial advance will be covered by a smoke screen, attached to TRIGGER 1. Pressing TRIGGER 1 will immediately call a smoke barrage between you and the presumed enemy position.


Assets: 1 Platoon of T72B with Mine plows 1 Platoon of base T72Bs 1 Depleted platoon of brand new T72B m.1989s, represented by the B3s that have had their advanced systems removed. 1 Platoon of Mechanized Inf. in BMP2s. First wagon has Konkurs dismount. 2 Batteries of Akatsiya heavy SPGs. 4 rounds of ICM each. 1 Battery of Nona SVK Mechanized Mortars. 1 half platoon of Konkurs equipped ATGM BDRMs. (2 vics) 4 Logistics trucks 1 Repair truck

Extra Notes: Mine Plows - These will be important. Try to keep at least one or two alive, if not all 3. Possibly Friendly Forces - They are presumed to be mostly to the northeast. Otherwise, its highly unlikely that the units you encounter are friendly, unless expressly stated otherwise like in the far northwest.

Russian to English ------ Rota = Company Shtabnaya Rota = Company HQ Komandir = Commande




Teamspeak: - Will be live on the day of the event.


Stick to your timings, no vodka if you are late!


EVENT TIME: 1800Z 1900BST 2000CET


*TF Hannibal in no way support the real life actions of Russia, but just enjoy fighting in sh*t kit."



GSFG Orbat:


Komandir - T72B1 1985: RedFox 


1 Rota 02 - T72B1 1985

21 -ErnieSquid

22 - Badger

23 -


1 Rota 03 - T72B1 1989

31 - Colebrook

33 - Connaugh


1 Rota 01 - T72B1 1985 - Mine Plows

11 - SwissAdmiral

12 - 

13 - Fredu243


2 Rota 01 - BMP 2

11 - Stewbert

12 -

13 -


2 Rota 02 - BRDM-2 AT

21 - Hedgehog

22 -

Edited by RedFox
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1 hour ago, ErnieSquid said:

I'll go in any T-72 role, I'm happy to learn how to use the plow as not done that before, but put me wherever is best plow or no plow :)


The "plough" (you are English after all) is activated either via a "Breach" route or by you pressing the "space" key from either F8 or F9.


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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, ErnieSquid said:

Ah yes, plough, thanks Gibsonm my mistake! Thanks for the tip tho, I'll give the plough tank a go if there's one available, If not still happy to use a normal tank!


Ideally plough in a straight line - makes it easier for those behind you.

The gun will traverse off to 9 O'clock, so don't plan on ploughing and shooting.


Also be prepared for a decrease in speed (shouldn't be surprising).


Edited by Gibsonm
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4 hours ago, ErnieSquid said:

Ah yes, plough, thanks Gibsonm my mistake! Thanks for the tip tho, I'll give the plough tank a go if there's one available, If not still happy to use a normal tank!

I'll share a couple little tips on the day of, though sometimes there'll be a mine that blows your tracks off anyway just for the hell of it. Be prepared to yell for an ARV if we wind up going through a tin field.

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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, SwissAdmiral said:

I'll share a couple little tips on the day of, though sometimes there'll be a mine that blows your tracks off anyway just for the hell of it. Be prepared to yell for an ARV if we wind up going through a tin field.


Well you should have recovery assets on hand to keep the lane open, but one of the key considerations of SOSRA is to expect 50% casualties in breaching assets.


If you want to end up with 2 lanes, you need to start 4,  etc.


Edited by Gibsonm
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13 minutes ago, Fredu243 said:

hey, im very sorry i couldnt show up, i had some unexpected things i had to take care of.



Depending on how delayed you were, they could pause and pick you up.


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