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Kanium Sunday - May 5th - "At The Seams" by SwissAdmiral

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Posted (edited)

Teamspeak: ts3.din-server.dk:10000

Time: 1800 GMT


Yesterday, the friendly elements to the south of your AO were attacked and pushed back significantly, resulting in a small encirclement of friendly forces. 12th Panzer Brigade command has insisted that you prepare for an enemy attack in your sector with the enemy objective being to elimainate any possible German response to the encirclement from the north. It has fallen to us to hold the line against the advancing red tide and not allow them to force us out of the AO.


Recon Report:
2 Depleted enemy battalions amassing 1-1.5km behind the RED MARKED LINE. Expect enemy forward elements before their main attack.


1 Company of Leopard 1A4s
1 Company minus of Luchs scouts
1 Company minus of Mechanized in Marders
1 Battery of mortars
2 Batteries of offmap artillery.
Single Medic
Single ARV
4 Logi trucks


Hold back and blunt the enemy attack before they reach Fransözischhausen, Tetelhausen or Kleinezürich.


Extra Explanation:
371st & 104th - Two seperate commands is ideal here, where the 371st is subordinate to the 104th. If 2 commanders cannot be recruited, the 104th possesses the overall scenario command.
Leopard AS1s - The AS1 is the closest we have to a 1A4, but it needed to be modified slightly. The laser rangefinder has been removed. Be sure to set your range to 1000m on mission start so that you dont duff one into the berm in front of you.


Map for CO: At The Seams v2.sce










At The Seams v1.sce

Edited by SwissAdmiral
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Posted (edited)


66/104 (Ovrl. Cmdr.) Grenny

371st Pz.Grn.Batt.:


65/371 (Mech Cmdr.): SwissAdmiral

A (Luchs): 
A1 Hedgehog

B (Luchs):



C (Marders):
C1 Redfox
C4 Stewbert

D (Marders):
D1 Kingtiger

D2 Wigliff

D4 Snoggy


104th Pz.Batt.:


A (1A4)

A1 Higgs

A2 Badger
A4 Phan


B (1A4)


B4 Conn


C (1A4)





Combat Support:



Edited by SwissAdmiral
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Will do OPFOR as usual

Also hint for players doing tanks on BLUEFOR side:


Also also, its the same time and place as usual so:

Where: Kanium TS : ts3.din-server.dk:10000

Same time as always in Europe - adjusted for Summer Time: click the time below for your local time.


World clock 1800 GMT



This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. 


AS always, then we are running the session with the latest version of Steelbeasts.


Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance 😁

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