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Camp Hornfelt - Where to I put the Blauheim folder?

Go to solution Solved by TSe419E,

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I have SB Pro 4.379 and just downloaded the Camp Hornfelt files from the Wiki.  I see the scenarios when I begin an offline session, but I don't understand where to put the maps in the Blauheim folder.  The readme says to put the Blauheim folder into the "terrain" folder in "map/packages", but I don't see that file path.

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My install does not seem to have the file path indicated in the options, is that even possible?


I tried viewing hidden items in Windows Explorer and still didn't see the path.  I tried making the path and putting Blauheim under packages, but SB didn't see them.


My path looks like: C:\Program Files\eSim Games\SB Pro PE        But I don't see a "maps" or "packages" folder.

Map Packages.png

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I do see it.  I just didn't look hard enough.  It's program data not program files.  It's like trying to find something in the refrigerator.

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