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KANIUM Sunday 25th of February- "Operation Wyatt Earp" by Apocalypse

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KANIUM Sunday 25th of February- "Operation Wyatt Earp" by Apocalypse


Where: Kanium TS : ts3.din-server.dk:10000

World Clock 1800 GMT (Same time as always in Europe - now adjusted for Summer Time: click the time below for your local time) 


World clock 1900 GMT



This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. 


AS always, then we are running the session with the latest version of Steelbeasts.


Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance 😁












Operation Wyatt Earp
by Apocalypse


I. Situation.

        a. Enemy forces are defending the AO with a Mechanized Infantry Battalion, supported by tanks. The battalion consists of 2x companies of infantry (BMP2), 2x Companies of T72B1tanks, and is supported by 1x jeep-mounted ATGM/Recon, 3x batteries of artillery, and a platoon ZSU 23-4s.


We expect scouts and light forces to be defending west of the west of the Orteaux River, but the enemy's main defensive force (tanks/mech inf) defending East of the river.


We have also detected a battery of ZSU-23-4 guns defending along the river - this may be high risk for any air assault attempt across the river. Our signals intelligence has detected an enemy headquarters on the road between Siltry and Allseen, with a logistics node established to the south, near Altinau Pass.


        a. Friendly forces are currently positioned off the coast, at amphibious launch points and Pickup Zones. Follow-on forces are currently staging off-map; a tank company is prepared to immediately reinforce once the port has been seized, and heavy air-lift company is prepared to deliver 2x platoons of Light Armored Vehicles to reinforce the airfield.


There are currently 3x Special Operations sniper teams on the shore that are available for tasking.


II Mission.


    Attacks to destroy enemy forces in the area, to expand the landing zone and continue offensive operations.


III. Execution


    a. Concept

        Move rapidly with air and amphibious forces to seize critical infrastructure (port & airfield) - that will enable reinforcements to land. Once seized, continue to expand the beach head - locate and destroy the enemy artillery batteries and the HQ in OBJ EARP.
    b. Key Tasks:

        1. Destroy the enemy HQ in OBJ OK CORRAL
        2. Seize the pass at OBJ TOMBSTONE


            24x 155mm Guns available
            15x Air Strikes Available
            2x AH64 (TRIGGER 3)
            3x Sniper Teams (JIM-LR)
            1x UAV


IV. Service & Support

    1. Organic resupply and medical assets with A CO (amphibious)
    2. Organic resupply and medical assets will land at the port with D CO (tanks).
    3. Organic resupply and medical assets will land at the airfield with C CO (Light Armor)
    4. J-1 is the landing craft that will deliever land forces at the Port. Unloading will begin once they enter the port (2 Min, in game)


V. Command & Signal

    Command Triggers

        1. Land Armor at the Port
        2. Reinforce Airfield
        3. Call 2x AH64 on station



        1. Enemy map contacts: On
        2. Friendly ID: On
        3. Observer View: On





Scenario (To verify that everything works at your end and Map Recce):







Edited by Nike-Ajax
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OBSERVE: All Tankers will initially take ASLAVs - tanks WILL become available as soon as they land per orders above. Same way then MECHINF will initially man Air Assault AND/OR remaining ASLAVs - Remaining ASLAVS and NZLAV-IMV become available later.

Further, then I have only posted what is initially available for manning. See data packet above for further or ask @Apocalypse 31 for details.



US TF Command 

B66 (ASLAV-25):



A1 (ASLAV-25)

A11 Higgs (Kanium,CH)
A12 Badger (Kanium,CAN)


A14 Cavgunner (Kanium,US) (TBD)


A2 (ASLAV-25)

A21 Major Duck (Kanium,DK)

A22 SwissAdmiral (?,?)

A23 Connaugh (Kanium,US)

A24 Tankenator (Kanium,US)


A3 (ASLAV-25)

A31 Sioctan (Kanium,NL)


A33 Staneth (?,?)

A34 Essah (Kanium,DK)


C1 (UH-60 Blackhawks w. dismounts)

C11 Kingtiger (Kanium,SE)


C13 Snoggy (Kanium,CAN)

C14 Wiglif (Kanium,US)


C2 (UH-60 Blackhawks w. dismounts)

C21 Grenny (Kanium,DE)



C24 ChrisReb (Kanium,UK)


A7 (CSS): Medic





Nike-Ajax, no more needed


Where needed:

Hedgehog (UKarmour,UK)

SamTheSlav (?,?) (TBD)


Cant make it:

Tankleader (Kanium,US)





Edited by Nike-Ajax
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On 2/22/2024 at 8:51 PM, Sioctan said:

I am going to regret this... 😮‍💨




A11 please.


Have placed you in A31, as A11 is occupied. If you want to be in A1 then I can offer A13.

Otherwise its a good move stepping up: we all need to push our comfort zone sometimes.

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