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Setting overwritten by joining multiplayer server.


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Occasionally when joining a multiplayer session your personal setting get overwritten. This is fine for realism settings etc. but it's a bit of a problem for graphics settings.

Now most of the time it just does this for the time you spend on the server but every now and then you actively have to change your settings again.

My question is, is there a rule to when it does it only for the session and when it overwrites them for singpleplayer as well? Is there a way to prevent this? Maybe it has something to do with settings by the host?

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I actually made similar post..  so deleted mine and posting mine here as it is about same matter. 




I had Kanium game today and I was a server host.


Before mission as I was going to be FO I went to practice and test some things as FO to fire some missions and practice how adjust fires.

So I wanted to see how those would work, so I changed realism setting to low and forgot it to low level.  


I got moaned after mission that server settings were on low realism and then some guys went to check their settings and told me that their settings had changed to low realism. 

Even when they always keep their settings on high realism.  


Then I got told that this is observed to happen sometimes and not always.   And some others went to check and their realism settings were not changed.   So there is something here.  


Also apparently it sometimes changed as well graphical settings for clients too.  



There was no observed network issues  or packet loss warnings.

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The terrain detail settings for clients will get overridden by the host, which means that it's important for the host to have settings that will be appropriate for a wide selection of clients. That overwrite is intentional. As regards realism settings, I know that the network session will force the host's settings to be used, however I do not off the top of my head know if those settings are supposed to be changed for the clients post network-session or if it is only for the session that the clients join.

Edited by TankHunter
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28 minutes ago, TankHunter said:

The terrain detail settings for clients will get overridden by the host, which means that it's important for the host to have settings that will be appropriate for a wide selection of clients. That overwrite is intentional.


As a weekly "Host" does that mean that I need to:


a. Reduce my terrain settings to suit the person with the worst machine and the worst connection.

b. Advise clients to make a screenshot of their settings prior to joining (since I suspect these can't be backed up and restored)?


I'm now curious how bad a. needs to be and then be prepared for some sort of iterative trail and error process where I steadily increase the settings until someone complains?

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3 hours ago, Gibsonm said:


As a weekly "Host" does that mean that I need to:


a. Reduce my terrain settings to suit the person with the worst machine and the worst connection.

I had the experience that my performance was really bad with hosts who had the render distance on the maximum. I usually only use the default settings. So to answer the question, yes if you host with your settings, someone with a less powerfull machine will not have a good performance. 

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7 minutes ago, Higgs said:

I had the experience that my performance was really bad with hosts who had the render distance on the maximum. I usually only use the default settings. So to answer the question, yes if you host with your settings, someone with a less powerfull machine will not have a good performance. 


Yes I understand that.


The issue is that from week to week I wont know what a "less powerful" machines is? A '286 on dial-up (to use an extreme example)?


Basically it sounds like I need to.

  • Use "my" settings when offline.
  • Take a screenshot.
  • Set everything to minimum when hosting.
  • Put up with people complaining that graphics are "crap".
  • Then next session hope that no new people turn up (who might have a "less powerful" machine) and then slightly nudge the settings up until no one complains either way ("graphics look like crap" vs "my machine can't cope").

This would be less painful if I could:


Export / import my personal settings as required.

Export / import my Hosting settings as required.


Edited by Gibsonm
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1 hour ago, Gibsonm said:


Yes I understand that.


The issue is that from week to week I wont know what a "less powerful" machines is? A '286 on dial-up (to use an extreme example)?


Basically it sounds like I need to.

  • Use "my" settings when offline.
  • Take a screenshot.
  • Set everything to minimum when hosting.
  • Put up with people complaining that graphics are "crap".
  • Then next session hope that no new people turn up (who might have a "less powerful" machine) and then slightly nudge the settings up until no one complains either way ("graphics look like crap" vs "my machine can't cope").

This would be less painful if I could:


Export / import my personal settings as required.

Export / import my Hosting settings as required.


Well maybe if you have the same group every week you can choose to use the default settings and see if that works for everyone. I get decent performance by just using the default render distances. (Which puts everything at 50% I believe.)
If someone complains you might need to figure out what works for them.

Then you can use your own prefered settings again. For default (if that works for everyone) you can just press one button and the settings are adapted. Only changing them back to what you prefere will need to know what exact setting you want.

But I see your point. Maybe having an option to save individual settings and readapt them with a click would be neat.

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Because this adoption of host settings seems to happen randomly i wonder if it may have something to do with user profile in records.


I have made myself username

And Ltn default still exist i haven't touched it.  And i don't have problems with settings being randomly adopted. 

Mine has always stayed as it has been. 


However i believe as i saw screenshot from other guys profile that the one who's settings had Changed doesn't have Ltn default anymore and only has profile on his own name. 


So i wonder if that has anything to do with settings being adopted. 


@Higgs if you look at your profile do you still have Ltn default there? 

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21 hours ago, Gibsonm said:


As a weekly "Host" does that mean that I need to:


a. Reduce my terrain settings to suit the person with the worst machine and the worst connection.

b. Advise clients to make a screenshot of their settings prior to joining (since I suspect these can't be backed up and restored)?


I'm now curious how bad a. needs to be and then be prepared for some sort of iterative trail and error process where I steadily increase the settings until someone complains?


As regards "A" I would suggest detail settings that are roughly at the default level and if people are still having problems, then start dropping them. Of course that's assuming that people are having troubles. That said, if there's no problem then there's no need for alterations to the settings.

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2 minutes ago, TankHunter said:


As regards "A" I would suggest detail settings that are roughly at the default level and if people are still having problems, then start dropping them. Of course that's assuming that people are having troubles. That said, if there's no problem then there's no need for alterations to the settings.




I was just curious as I wasn't aware of this issue. I'll keep going with what I/we use now and await the outcome of #11557.

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