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Kanium Sunday 23rd of January "Operation Ragnarok - Phase I", by Nike-Ajax


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GC6RZD6 NM - Balder og Ragnarok (Traditional Cache) in ...


Kanium Sunday 23rd of January "Operation Ragnarok - Phase I", by Nike-Ajax


This is a BIG scenario, which it is why it will be run in two phases. Do NOT hold yourself back, even if you cant join in Phase II, then there is still plenty of fun. No skill or experience requirements needed. So no obligation to join in the second Phase II if you play this - other than to have fun and get the full experience.


Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 


World Clock 1900 GMT (Same time as always in Europe - adjusted for Daylight Savings Time: click the time below for your local time) 


World clock 1900 GMT



This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube or Twitch channel. 



I suggest to all who play with us download and install Chris mappack:




Untile further notice will be working with this mappack and the official one when making scenarios.


AS always, then we are running the session with the latest version of Steelbeasts.


Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance 😁


GC22HYT Ragnarok (Unknown Cache) in Viken, Norway created ...


Strategic map:

Nordisk Mytologi sammenlignet med moderne Kosmologi


Tactical Map:











Operation Ragnarok Phase I
6´th  of June 2023
SB Mission by Nike-Ajax


IMPORTANT NOTE: CO MUST choose EITHER the Western OR the Eastern AO as his attack route, as indicated on map before start, and inform host/OPFOR in advance !


Scenario notes:
1) For a number of reasons, then there are NO smoke missions on either side for server stability. Also for server stability, all destroyed callsigns will be removed after 60 sec. For same reason there is no clouds.
2) This is a TWO part scenario, so BLUEFOR/Aesir will ONLY advance to Phase Line Aesir in the first session. In the second BLUEFOR will advance to, and make a bridge crossing of the river Boevra, and then fight to seize the ENY HQ.
3) This will simulate a BGD BG attack. For server stability then it is simulated that BGD CO will coordinate the attack in the other AO to match the progress of BLUEFOR in the chosen AO, hence the BLUEFOR CO only has to worry about staying within his boundaries. And winning.
4) This is meant and built to be run by a Human OPFOR.

5) Phase II follows directly from this, so Host needs to do an ingame save at the end.
0. Background

We are at the end of times.


As prophesized by the oracle Voelven, then all the signs are here: we stand at the edge of Ragnarok.


When Ragnarök come, winter and cold weather will last for three years, with no summer in between the winter seasons. This was known as fimbul-winter “mighty winter”, snowing from all directions.
Throughout the world, great battles would be fought; all taboos would be broken, brothers killing one another, and sons would murder their fathers too, mostly out of greed. No kinship would be sacred; adultery and incest would increase exponentially. This period would be known as the age of axes, age of swords, age of wolves and age of winds.
The two giant wolves, Skoll will swallow up sun (Sol), while Hati shall devour the moon (Moon or Mani). Stars will fall out of the heaven.
The giant worm or dragon Nidhogg that have been gnawing at one of roots of Yggdrasill (Niflheim), would have succeeded in eating away the root that supported Niflheim.
Loki, who was confined in a cavern and punished for his involvement with Balder’s death, will escape from his imprisonment, and lead the giants, and his monstrous offspring, to destroy the gods and mankind. Fenrir will escape from his magic binding, while the Midgard Serpent named Jörmungand (Jormungand) will escape from his confinement in the sea.
Frost giants and mountain giants will leave their home in Jötunheim, and sailing toward Plain of Vigrid in a ship called Naglfar; while the fire giants led by Surt will leave their fiery home of Muspelheim. Vigrid would be the field of the final battle. Vigrid is an immense plain, a hundred league in every direction.

To delay or maybe avoid the end of the world as we know it, then Odin and the other Aesir and Vanir Gods of Asgard have decided to strike first aginst the giants and Jaettir of Jotunheimen, hoping if not to avoid then at least blunt it.

We have activated all our Warriors and the Einhejrer of our armies stand ready.


The Gods themselves are tied up with other things, including fighting the Fenris Wolf and keeping Hel at bay, so it is up to our warriors to strike this first and important blow.


Maybe if we strike hard enough our enemies will reconsider or slow down, thus saving not only us but also the humans of Midgaard who are oblivious to our battle and think what they are experiencing are natural catastrophes and climate changes.


The fate of the worlds rest upon your shoulders.


We are too few, but the supply of Warriors sadly have dried up as faith in the Old Gods have waned.


So we are forced to work with what we have.


YOU are part of TF Gungnir (Spear of Odin). And all the eyes of the worlds are upon you, not to mention the hopes of the Gods.

I. Situation
0600 Local Time
Clear skies with no chance of rain, 22 degrees Centigrade, wind speed 4 m/s from SW and LOS 3000 Meters



We have attacked the enemy in Jotunheimen, and forced our way across the river that marks the boundary between them and us.

We now stand ready to push forward into the lands and do battle with our ancient enemies.
The War has been ongoing for milennia, but have now been pushed to a head by other events.


Our strategic objective is to ATTACK the ENY to the Northeast with a BGD BG, opening up for a opposed river crossing in the next operation (so next session and Phase II) aimed at and after the crossing, seizing the ENY HQ.
The Enemy have fallen back to their strong defenses, and will likely hide behind them and try to inflict as many casualties as they can from there (Reference Map trace).


Do NOT push past Phase Line Aesir with your BG under ANY circumstance (Reference Map Trace) !


Once you have reached this phase line, you will halt and CONSOLIDATE and then remain and DEFEND in place. Thus setting the parameters for the follow-up operation to cross the Boevra river, including rearming and re consolidating as well as pushing forward bridging equipment.


Do NOT push past boundaries or risk being attacked and destroyed from your flanks.
Mixture of closed and open, with channeling and blocking terrain features particularly to the South and Southwest. Also there are a number of natural obstacles in the form of rivers, lakes and other watercourses.
The Enemy expected us to come and have made numerous obstacles and defenses.


This includes Minefields, from Intel both real and decoy,  Abatis in many of the wooded areas, Czech hedgehogs and tanktrenches.


You do not have to clear these for follow-on forces, but you will probably be forced to breach some minefield regardless to keep lines of communication open, your rear safe and create openings in the ENYs defence. So do what you must to push through, bypassing if necessary.


But you have significant ENG assets (2 x reinforced ENG PLT), so clear all obstacles that threaten your advance, flanks OR line of communications.
Current Situation.  
The Enemy is on the DEFENCE with slightly inferior numbers, but we have the better equipment, training and to some degree the element of tactical surprise if not Strategic. They have used the time well to entrench themselves thoroughly.


We are on their soil, and even though that means the risk of civilians in the AO, then stakes are high. Therefore, you are tasked to avoid civilian casualties to the degree that it does not endanger your command or overall goals.
FIRES in the Urban areas are only authorized by TF COMD (Try to avoid it, to keep server stable as well as avoiding civilian casualties.)

Enemy Forces
ENY Combined Btn(-).

At least one (1) Company with M1A1 (in PLTs of 4), One (1) Company mixed with Ulans and Centauros (in PLTs of 4).


Added to which 2-3 platoons of dismounted infantry including ATGMs and a Recon element likely with BRDM 2s.


Finally at least 1 PLT of SP MTR and CSS/HQ


ENY Artillery expected in SIGNIFICANT volume.


Likely experienced warriors so regulars. And they WILL be expected to fight to the death, because the stakes are as high for them as for us.
ENY in PREPARED DEFENCE in Main Defensive Areas (MDA), constructed defenses, entrenchments and major obstacles highly likely (Reference Maptrace), confidence about which is HIGH.    

Reinforcement: NOT expected from the East, West or South as their lines of communication are cut for now. Confidence HIGH.
Likely will seek to delay and attrit our forces, using the terrain and prepared defenses to disrupt, delay and destroy our forces.


Likely will also seek to engage our forces in limited local and small counterattacks or ambushes. And/or lead our forces into killzones where they can use their AT weapons including ATGMs, and use of terrain, to make up for their relative weakness in equipment and training. 


ENY have access to Artillery in substantial numbers, exact units deployed for this operation unknown.

Friendly Forces (FF).
Local AIR SUPERIORITY achieved, but ENY Rotary Wing units can not be discounted in the AO.
FF East and West to SECURE Flanks, but not to Spt Attack apart from the forces that will attack in whatever AO (western or eastern), you as a CO choose NOT to attack, under direct control and coordination by BGD CMD.


FF WEST will make a supporting attack to tie ENY forces down, and attrit them if possible.
TF in Deployment Area consists of 3 x tank platoons of STRV122, 1 x RECON PLT (PIRANHA V w. OWS LEMUR 2013, PILAR and AVEPS), 2 x PLT ENG (w. 2 x KODIAK, 1 x M113G3 ENG MICLIC, 1 x BIBER bridgelayer and 2 x GTK Boxer ENG) as well as 3 x Mechanized infantry platoon of CV90/40-B.


Added to this there is a reserve force placed at Reserve Area, with similar equipment consisting of 2 x TNK PLT, 2 x MECHINF PLT and 1 x RECON PLT.


There are also 3 x 3 Biber mobile bridges, but do not use them unless strictly needed, as they are meant for the crossing of the River Boevra to the north in Phase II.

Reserves activated via trigger.


Also there have been allocated a two (2) SP MTR PLTs platoons with integral Supply.
TF GUNGNIR Dismounted infantry equipped with 2 x Anti-Tank teams (FGM-148 Javelin) (Odds callsigns) and 2 x LMG Teams (Even callsigns). Each MECHINF platoon thus has 2x Anti-Tank teams and 2 x LMG Teams, the rest being issued with AT-4s and rifle grenades plus a medic team, and are all considered Elite.


The Recon INF are equipped with JIM-LR and their vehicles with UAV Quadcopters.


4 x 6 Tubes of 155mm SP howitzers, no FASCAM or SMOKE available, but with ICM. (With the howitzers being further back, so off-map)   
2 x 6 x 120 mm SP mortars with their own supply trucks
12 CAS strike missions on call.
1 x MLRS Strike package (NO reloads)


(As usual: ALL ARTILLERY IS UNDER THE CONTROL OF CO AND FO: So do NOT touch the ARTY controls if you not one of these two).

Also try to avoid using FIRES in Urban areas to keep server stable and to not kill non-combatants.

In TF GUNGNIR: Repair Sect, 1 x Supply,  1 x Fueler and 1 x MED Sect PLUS 1 ARV section with 1 x ARV and 1 x Repair Sect. 

Same in Reserves (Reserves activated by trigger).
2 x Engr PLT, as there are expected major prepared obstacles in vector of attack.  But you may BYPASS ENY obstacles, if prudent and 
necessary given the tactical environment.

A. You have the right to use force to proactively engage any and all ENY targets of opportunity.
B. You are cleared to fire first on all hostile targets or targets with deemed hostile intent, including armed civilians. Anyone armed are deemed hostile.
C. The force should be used under the circumstances and proportional to the threat.
D. We are at war. Destruction of civilian property has been cleared by the local authorities if CO deems that there is a CLEAR military value and goal in said destruction, buy FIRES in urban areas should be avoided if at all possible unless there is a clear risk to the commands units or integrity.
E. All Laws of War are to be observed.

II. Mission:  

TF GUNGNIR is to ATTACK and CONDUCT EXPLOITATION, DESTROYING the ENY between FLOT and Phase Line Aesir, SEIZE the terrain, IOT DENY the area to the ENY and prepare, but NOT execute follow-up attack across the River Boevra.   

III. Execution  
Concept of the Operation:

TF GUNGNIR, ATTACK from SOUTHWEST to NORTHEAST; conducting an attack by fire from FLOT towards PL AESIR (See Map trace) and clearing the route with regards to obstacles as tactically .  Once SECURE, PREPARE HASTY Defence to HOLD PL AESIR line until relieved. This will DENY the area to the ENY and PREVENT further ENY offensive operations, achieving our immediate military goal, while setting the conditions for next phase so attack across the River Boevra and destruction of the ENY HQ.

Commanders Intent  
Purpose - The purpose of this operation is to DESTROY the ENY forces in the AO, then OCCUPY, thus weakening the Enemys will to fight and persuading them not to conduct further offensive actions until we are ready to carry out Phase II.   
Key Tasks
         0. Scenario/session, technical: TF CO MUST choose and communicate his choice in advance to OPFOR/Arranger, whether he wants to attack      along   the western OR eastern AO.
         1. Attack from FLOT towards PL Aesir to DESTROY the ENY.
         2. Conduct HASTY DEFENSE ITO DEFEAT ENY Counter Attacks
         3. Resupply, rearm and reform at PL ASESIR.


End State:  
Friendly.  FF postured in or IVO PL AESIR; consolidated and prepared and able to continue operations towards the NORTH and NORTHEAST.
Enemy.   ENY DESTROYED between FLOT and PL AESIR, unable to support Enemy forces NORTH of the River Boevra.
Terrain.   All tactically commanding terrain features SECURED and CLEAR of ENY.
Civilian.  As little disruption to civilian life and property as possible, without disrupting your military goals and the security of your command.   


Fires Concept.
4 x 6 Tubes of self-propelled 155 mm howitzers that will directly support this operations, from outside of the AO (offmap)

These have the following allotted ammunition per tube for the entire operation:
60 rounds of HE (Total 1440)
24 Rounds of ICM (Total 576)
Two (2) x Six (6) tubes of 120 mm self-propelled Mortars for use in AO, with integral ammo supply trucks.
So 2 x 6 Tubes of 120 Organic fires under TF CO Control (P1 and P2), with organic supply vehicles (P3 and P4)


One (1) MLRS (M270) Strike package (with reloads), armed with ER-MLRS M26A1 w/M85 (HE).


There are Twelve (12) priority missions ready for tasking.


12 CAS sorties were awarded during this targeting cycle of the ATO under TF CO control.


IV. Sustainment
Supply              TF will carry forward 1 x resupply vehicles, P-1and P-2 each have 2 x supply vehicle allocated to them specifically (P3 and P4). Reserve Force have an identical force. No resupply possible beyond that .
Maintenance   TF will carry forward 2x combat repair team (CRT) - with one added to an ARV section. Reserve Force have an identical force.
Medical            TF will carry forward 1x foward aid station (FAS). Reserve force have an identical force.

V. Command And Signal
Succession of Command


TF Gungnir:
ALPHA-66    TF Commander
Alpha -11    1 PLT LDR/A
Bravo -11    1 PLT LDR/B
Alpha 21     2 PLT LDR/A
Bravo 21     2 PLT LDR/B


No Change; as per unit SOP


Edited by Nike-Ajax
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H66 STRV122: Assassin (Kanium,US)

H65 CV90/40-B:

P66 FOV90:


A1 STRV122

A11 Mirzayev (Kanium,US)

A12 Ben  (?,?)

A13 Tankenator (Kanium,US)

A14 TC237 (?,US)


A2 STRV122

A21 Irish Hussar (Kanium,UK)

A22 Cal (Holcombes Legion,UK)

A23 Connaugh (Kanium,US)

A24 Major Duck (Kanium,DK), Murican Bias (?,US)


A3 STRV122

A31 Cavgunner (Kanium,US)

A32 Badger (Kanium,CAN)

A33 Colebrook (Kanium,ESP)

A34 Higgs (Kanium,CH)


B1 CV90/40-B

B11 Snoggy (Kanium,CAN)

B12 SwordsmanDK (Kanium,DK)

B13 SnS (Kanium,UK)

B14 Wiglif (Kanium,US)


B2 CV90/40-B

B21 ChrisReb (Kanium,UK)

B22 LigiT (?,?)

B23 O. Schmidt (Kanium,DE)

B24 JAG-11A (Kanium,US)


R1 (RECON) PIRANHA V w. UAV Quadcopter, Lemur 2013 M2HB, PILAR and AVEPS

R11 Grenny (Kanium,DE)


R13 Duke (Kanium,DE)

R14 Roerbaek (Kanium,DK)


ENGINEERS (1 X M113/MICLIC, 2 X KODIAK (1 with dozer, 1 with full width mine plow), 1 x BIBER AND 2 X BOXER/ENG. WITH AVEPS, AND LEMUR 2013, except the biber)

E1 Kingtiger (Kanium,SE)

E2 Kingtiger (Kanium,SE)







P1 AND P2 (6 X 6 TUBES 120 MM SP MTR)











Nike-Ajax and Gibsonm - no more needed


Where needed:



Cant make it:

Sioctan (?,NL)





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40 minutes ago, Mirzayev said:

Would prefer A11 or A31. Will take 66 if absolutely no one else is willing to do it. 


And if I take it, plan will literally be a single arrow with the words "figure it out" written next to it. 


Døne 😁


1 hour ago, IrishHussar said:

Unfortunatly I cant make this week as am travelling to our land warfare centre to take part in a VBS4 administrators course. 



You will be missed, because we like you longtime 😁

Have a good session !


19 minutes ago, Assassin 7 said:

A31 please


Or so he thought ... muahhhaaaa


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44 minutes ago, IrishHussar said:

Its not my month, Jan 22, first my 2 week trip to Canada is postponed then my week learning VBS4 is cancelled. Hopefully the new bike will still be delivered on Fri and also I will now be able to participate on Sun!!


Anywhere in A2 please??



There is always a silver lining: we will get the pleasure of your company.


Reset to original positions


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