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KANIUM Sunday 14th of March - CG7 Island Liberation by ChrisReb


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KANIUM Sunday 14th of March - CG7 Island Liberation by ChrisReb


Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 
World Clock 1800 GMT (Same time as always in Europe - adjusted for Winter Time: click the time below for your local time) 


World clock 1900 GMT



This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. 



I suggest to all who play with us download and install Chris mappack:




Untile further notice will be working with this mappack and the official one when making scenarios.


AS always, then we are running the session with the latest version of Steelbeasts.


Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance 😁







Excerpts of the battalion commander's orders for... CG7 Island Liberation  May 2018 4.00AM


Visibility initially hazy but quickly burning off to 3000 m plus



Following the collapse of the mainland government, rebels have seized government military assets and declared independance. However the uprising lacks popular support being largely instigated by Russia who seeks a futher Mediterranean port. Whilst local rebel forces are equipped with T 62 and older equipment they have suddenly acquired a good number of more modern T 72, crewed and supported by 'volunteers'.


A US led Taskforce has arrived off the Island with the intention of restoring Government control. A depth bridghead is to be created before additonal enemy forces can consolidate their hold on the Island



    Whilst local rebel forces are equipped with T62 and older equipment they have suddenly acquired a good number of more modern T72 crewed and supported by 'volunteers'.

    The newer equipment is based in the Eastern side of the Island and may take a little time to deploy at least part of the force to our AO. Immediate opposition is expected to be the local breakway rebel forces and irregulars.

    Estimated the Rebel forces have approx 2 Coy T62, supported by up to a Coy of BMD with independant Infantry teams around the objectives and other built up areas.

    As this is a loosely organized Rebel force precise organisational details have been hard to come by
    Intelligence believes up to 3 Coy T72 have either already commenced deploying in your AO or, are heading into this area from the port.

    Enemy has limited Indirect Fire Support directed by a few trained observers


    b) Own:

    Under cover of the pre-dawn we have landed Task Force Jackal. This comprises 1 x Coy M1A1 and 1 x Coy M2 (Inf and Javelin) with 2 sections of M3 for Recon.

    Support assets have also been landed.

    Offshore fire support for HE and Smoke equivalent of 2 x 4 tubes is on call.

    3 x on call airstrikes are available


    Command will try to land further forces if possible to reinforce your attack but timing is uncertain and dependant on local maritime operations.

    The same issue is likely to prevent much in the way of AH1 Cobra gunship support but the Logistics people will see what they can do.

    You will be advised when available.


    d) Whilst you have less able enemy forces for the initial stages of your attack scattered infantry teams can still be a danger.

    Given the confined space for manoevure be prepared for short range contact.

    More capable opposition will be moving into the area as you progress


In order to clear sufficient depth of deployment for further forces awaiting landing, you are to seize and hold the terrain objectives as below.




a)In order to clear sufficient depth of deployment for further forces awaiting landing, you are to seize and hold the following:


1. Radar Station

2. Paliki (Intelligence suggests this is the HQ for the Breakaway forces for this part of the island and from where they are terrorising the local population)

3. The mothballed Missile Site which can quickly be brought into operation with major implications to the balance of military control in the surrounding area.

4. Routes Green and Orange need to be free from enemy occupation at the end of operations although this is secondary to the capture of the 3 locations designated


b)Destruction of enemy forces is welcome in as much as it aids the capture of your objectives but is secondary to the primary mission


c)Once the Radar Station and/or Paliki are secured, USMC troops will be airlifted in to secure the areas freeing your force up for further operations


    Concept of Operation:

    a) Seize the 3 objectives outlined above destroying any opposition preventing the attainment of this.
    b) YOU ARE FORBIDDEN to use indirect fire on Paliki or Baytown to avoid civilian casualties. Direct fire is permitted on identified hostile forces. These areas are marked on the map.
     c) Colour routes are guidance of the largest Island highways only
    d) Whilst there is no time limit the enemy will use time to penetrate their reinforcements further West across the Island
          e) DO NOT cross phase line Reaper at this time as that is for a future phase of operations - NB Penalty Zone!


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US led TF Command 

A66 (M1A1): Mirzayev (Kanium,US)

A65 (M1A1): Apocalypse (Kanium,US)



A1 (M1A1)

A11 Assassin (Kanium,US)
A12 Badger (Kanium,CAN)

A13 Higgs (?,CH)

A14 Cavgunner (Kanium,US)


A2 (M1A1)

A21 Irish Hussar (Kanium,UK)

A22 Xavnl/NoGo (?,?)

A23 Connaugh (Kanium,US)

A24 Major Duck (Kanium,DK)


A3 (M1A1)

A31 ChrisReb (Kanium,UK)


A33 Tankenator (Kanium,US)



B1 (M2A2 (ODS))

B11 Grenny (Kanium,DE)

B12 O. Schmidth (Kanium,DE)


B14 RedWarDancer (Kanium,US)


B2 (M2A2 (ODS))

B21 Kingtiger (Kanium,SE)

B22 SnS (Kanium,UK)


B24 Wiglif (Kanium,US)


R1 (RECON - M3A2 (ODS))

R11 Colebrook (Kanium,ESP)




R2 (RECON - M3A2 (ODS))


R24 Roerbaek (Kanium,DK)




H9 (CSS: 2 x supply, 1 x Wiesent ARV(RWS), 1 x Medic)




Reserves (Will not be manned initially)

A4: 4 x M1A1

B3 and B4: 4 x M2A2 (ODS) per PLT




Nike-Ajax, No more needed


Where needed:

Snoggy (Kanium,CAN) (Hopefully)


Cant make it:

Freyberg (Kanium,ITA)





Edited by Nike-Ajax
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