Version 1.0.3
The Amari 12th Frontier Lancers defeats the Nyumban 11th BTG's spoiling attack to retain key lines of communication.
Player Forces:
Combat Elements:
Note: Each platoon is split into 2x sections for greater deployment flexibility.
1/A - 4x Tigr-M SpN w/ AT-14 Spriggan; 4x Recon Teams w/JIM-LR, Spike-SR, and UAV(M) Swingblade AT
2/A - 4x Centauro B1
3/A - 4x BTR-82A; 10x Infantry Teams w/ Spike-SR
1/B - 4x T-72B3
1/C - 2x Mi-17 w/ AT-2C; 2x Spike-LR Teams (direct support; flight time of 10 minutes to reach AO)
HQ Elements:
66/A - CO; 1x BMP-2 w/ UAV(R) Munin
65/A - XO; 1x BTR-82A w/ UAV(R) Munin
9/A - FO; 1x ACRV/MTLB-U w/ FO Team
MTR/A - 2x 2S23 Nona-SVK
HQ/A - 1x Ural-4320/Supply; 1x MT-LBU/Medic
Difficulty: Medium/Hard
Time to Complete: Approximately 60 minutes.
Special thanks to Apocalypse and ben for testing and feedback.
Please send comments, corrections, or suggestions to me at @Mirzayev.