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Found 4 results

  1. KANIUM SUNDAY 9th OF DEC 1900 GMT - MECH BG ATTACKS in Finland (based on FI MechBat attack Tirva by ???, tweaked by Nike-Ajax) Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World Clock 1900 GMT (Same time as always - now adjusted for Winter Time) World clock 1900 GMT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance MECH BG Attack INFO: 2x TNK PLT, 2x MECH PLT, 2x RECCE SEC + 1x TNK PLT in reserve Mission will end when when A66 or OPFOR thinks its time to end. TO CO BG BACKGROUND: Finland has been attacked again by Russia in a move that is expected to be a broader move to secure the Russian northern Flank, in preparation of a move to attack NATO. Finnish forces have inflicted heavy losses upon the enemy and Finland has fully activated their Wartime military ressources and forces. They are however under considerable presure from Russian and Byelorussian forces. United States has therefore after dialogue with the beleaguered Finns chosen to assist as a precursor to initiating a full REFORGER style rearming operation of Europe. For now their forces are limited but locally strong. 1) SITUATION: a) Enemy: RUSSIAN ARM and MECH BAT (-) with TNK support has attacked town of TIRWA and NISSILANTIE and taken control of the surrounding area. They have been seen preparing defensive positions, but from INTEL then it is doubtful if they have had time to construct major obstacles and minefields. ENY is expected to begin probing further NORTH at any moment. Expect ENY recon movement. Units sighted match that of a second tier Mech BTN with T72+, BMP1+ and other tracked and wheeled vehicles including BRDMs. It is suspected they have been assigned extra ATGM teams, as well as a considerable amount of artillery. Moreover INTEL fears that the Russian army is bringing up more modern forces and reinforcements as we speak from the south, while they solidify their defences oriented to the north. However due to local Air Superiority, we do NOT expect neither fixed nor rotary wing ENY airplanes. b) Own: You are part of a US Mech BTN (-) BG that has been tasked with counter attack in this sector. We have been hit hard and do not have the forces we would have wished at our disposal. Road 24 is being secured by the remainder of our BG to our west, to our east the ENY seems to be fixed further south and Finnish forces have established a defensive line. It is CO BTN intent to launch a counter attack before ENY gets a firm foothold and is able to bring in even more reinforcements. We have 1 PLT of 1A2 SEP TNK (A3) in reserves but to be used only if neccesary. You have been assigned 2 x Batt of 6 x tubes 155 mm howitzers with HE and SMOKE rounds, due to logistic challenges no other ordnance available. Mech INF is armed with Javelin. Each section of RECON has one sniper team and one FO team. c) Attachments and detachments: - 2x TNK PLT - 2x MECH PLT - 2x RECON SEC - 1x CSS PLT - 1 x TNK PLT (In reserve) 2) MISSION: It is CMDR intent to attack SOUTH from Bridge 1 (B1) along R1337 towards Bridge 4 (B4) and secure TIRWA and NISSILANTIE. Intel indicates no HVY ENY force are north of PL NOVEMBER yet. However expect ENY resistance to consolidate and stiffen immediately as you move South from PL NOVEMBER. Stay within your marked boundaries as anything outisde will be targeted by OWN artillery, MLRS as well as fixed-wing and rotary airplanes. Mission: 1) Attack along R1337 and; 2) Take OBJ GOLD 3) Take OBJ SILVER 3) EXECUTION: UP TO YOU
  2. KANIUM SUNDAY 10th OF DEC 1900 UTC "Operation Saber Tip" BY Assasin7 Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World clock Sunday 10th of DEC 1900 UTC Excerpts of the battalion commander's orders for... 1) SITUATION: a) Enemy: [Opfor 399th Bat. has been murdering the locals innocent men,women and children lately near objective Felix. Intel reports that a battalion has move into sector and has set up a defense to prevent any counter attacks from NATO. ] b) Own: Kanium company has moved into AA Kanium. We are just a QRF Company waiting for the order to cross the determined enemy line and destroy all enemy that is encountered.While retaking the Objective Felix from the enemy 2) MISSION: Kanium Company is to Assault North East, seek and destroy all enemy that is encountered and regain control of Objective Felix. OWN Forces: 2 Platoons: Leopard 2A5DKA2 2 platoons: M1A2 SEP 1 Platoon:M2A2 with Javlin's/LMG 1 platoon: CV-90/35 DK with Spike/LMG 1 platoon:M3A2 with Javlin's/LMG 2 Helicopters (BlackHawks) 2 Javlins, 2 Spike, 2 NLAW's, 2 FO teams Reinforcements: 1 platoon Leopard 2A4 1 platoon of M1A1 (HA) Arty: 4 tubes per bat. with 4 bat./ HE, ICM, Smoke and Airstrikes (5) 3) EXECUTION: Orders will be given by the CO HE, ICM, Smoke, Air strikes are availiable Arty: 4 tubes per bat. with 4 bat./ HE, ICM, Smoke and Airstrikes (5) Mission Designed by: Assassin7 Objective Felix
  3. Toyguy

    Javelin Tutorial

    Version 1.0.0


    A simple scenario designed to teach and practice the use of the Javelin missile system.
  4. The CLU and the missile have a thermal image system, so i think its a bug. And same thing is happening with the spike.
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