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Found 13 results

  1. Version 6


    Combat Power: 3x3 CR2 Platoons 2x2 Recon Section (Pizzaro/proxy) I. Situation Friendly forces are currently set to the east of Imarat, postured to attack to seize key terrain that will enable follow-on forces a swift transition through the area, along Highway 5 and Highway 2. We have detected a reinforced enemy mechanized infantry company defending the area, with BMP-3, T-90 tanks, and a truck-mounted scout platoon forward. We have detected enemy scouts operating between PL BRONZE and PL PLATINUM, with small teams and ATGM trucks, and we suspect platoon-sized disruption forces to be positioned between PL SILVER and PL BRONZE, with their main defensive force around the town of Chaman. II. Mission: Attack to seize OBJ BULL no later than H+90 minutes to enable follow-on forces freedom of movement. III. Execution a. Seize OBJ BULL (60) b. Preseve Combat Power for follow-on operations (40) Fires: 155mm are allocated as direct support (288 HE/240 SMK) IV. Support. Organic medical and supply assets are on hand V. Signal Friendly ID: On Map Updates: Enabled Overhead View: On
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Operation Whetstone by Apocalypse This mission concept was originally developed by the UK FIGHT CLUB and played in Combat Mission Professional. This is a port to Steel Beasts, where the entire mission could be played in a single battle - utilizing the strengths of Steel Beasts to fight an entire mixed UK Battlegroup concept to see how results could be achieved when an entire Battlegroup could be utilized simultaneously instead of cut into smaller Combat Mission sized scenarios. This is a large mission and I would recommend at least 4 players (we played with eight) Forces Available ISTAR Scout Platoon -12x Jackal (50cal) & 2-man Dismount teams (1x AT4) and Quadcopters -3x MB300 (Javelin Teams) -2x 81mm Mortars Light Infantry Coy -6x Bushmaster (8-man Squad, 1x NLAW ea) -3x MB300 (Javelin Teams) -2x 81mm Mortars Combined Arms Company -2x4 Boxer Platoons (6-man Squad, 1x NLAW ea) -3x CR2 Tanks -2x 81mm Mortars -6x 15mm AS90 (Offscreen) SITUATION A Donovian Mechanized Infantry Battalion is moving towards the area with the intent of clearing Copehill Down and seizing Objective 2 - the critical intersection near RTE 303 and 360. The MIBN is organized into three companies of BMP-2 and supported with a platoon of T-72B3 tanks. They also have a reconnaissance Company of 3x platoons of Tiger trucks and MTLB forward observers. We have also identified a flight of MI-24's that will potentially support the attack into the AO. We can expect the Donovians to use two companies as a fixing force while enabling the third company to seize objective 2. Mission: Defeat DONOVIAN MIBN attacking into the AO Tasks: 1. Retain Copehill Down 2. Retain OBJ 2 (RTE 303/360) Want to join the joint the fun? Checkout the TankSim Discord: https://discord.gg/kpnZUUFce7
  3. Kanium Sunday 15th of October - Operation Woodlark by Apocalypse Where: Kanium TS : ts3.din-server.dk:10000 World Clock 1800 GMT (Same time as always in Europe - now adjusted for Summer Time: click the time below for your local time) World clock 1800 GMT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. AS always, then we are running the session with the latest version of Steelbeasts. Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance 😁 Operation Woodlark By Apocalypse I. Situation a. Terrain: 1. Heavy snow covers the landscape of rolling hills and valleys - road conditions are poor, some are covered with snow, and we expect a light dusting of snow to continue into all hours of the day. 2. Major obstacles in this area include a large river that runs from north to south, splitting the BDE AO into two. We have 2x crossing sites, one to our south (land bridge) and a MLC-120t bridge to the southwest. 3. Avenues of approach include 3 major highways in the AO; HWY 5 to our West (main BDE avenue of approach), highway 90 in our AO that runs north to south, and highway 10 in the southern portion of our AO that runs east to west. 4. The landscape is dotted with small farming village, most structures are constructed from wood and lightely reinforced. OBJ TAN is one of the few major urban areas, with buildings that crest over 3-stories. Civilian population is not expected to be in the area- most have fled due to the heavy fighting in the last several months. b. Enemy: An enemy mechanized Battalion is defending the area- they are composed of 2x mechanized infantry companies (BMP-2), 2x tank companies (T-72M4), and one light recon company (4x4 trucks), and are supported by at least one battery of self-propelled artillery, and mortar platoon. They do not have significant engineer support in this sector, and we do not expect any air sorties. We believe the enemy is employing their reconnaissance company between Phase Line BRONZE and SILVER - they are using scout teams, supported by light vehicles to establish a disruption zones around a small protective minefield north of OBJ BLACK. They will employ indirect fires at choke points, and may call forward enemy armor from OBJ TAN if OBJ BLACK is threatened. We anticipate at least a company of mechanized infantry establishing their main battle zone between Phase Line SILVER and GOLD- mechanized platoons, supported by T-72 tanks will defend key terrain (high ground and choke points) using platoon-battle positions established in-depth and supported by armored counter-attacks. We also expect most intersections and hilltops to be pre-sighted with artillery and covered by forward observer teams. OBJ BLACK is being occupied by the Battalion Command post, and sits on key terrain that allows freedom of movement to the north and south, through the AO. We expect that OBJ TAN is defended by at least 2x platoons of mechanized infantry supported by tanks that are being held in hide sites to the south and west of the town. Being the location of the BN Command post, we also expect to see a significant number of support vehicles, and potentially their artillery positioned nearby. c. Friendly: Our Battalion, as part of 1st Brigade, 3 UK DIV, is tasked with cracking the flank of the enemy forces - the goal is to destroy the enemy on OBJ TAN to clear a path for 2 BDE, approaching from the north Our Battalion consists of 2x Companies (1 detached) C Squadron: Armored Recon Company supported by 2x platoons of Recon Engineers A Squadron: Tanks, supported by 2x MECH platoons from B Squadron. II. Mission Our Task Force attacks to seize OBJ TAN, to pass 2nd Brigade, so that we may continue offensive operations to the south. III. Execution a. Commanders Intent Purpose: Pass 2nd BDE along HWY 5 to continue offensive operations to the south. Key Tasks 1. Reduce mine obstacle and seize OBJ BLACK to safely pass A Squadron 2. Seize OBJ TAN - to safely pass elements of 1 BDE to the south End State 1. OBJ TAN is seized 2. Enemy forces defeated or destroyed; unable to hinder elements of 1 BDE as they pass along HWY 5 3. Friendly forces postured to pass 1 BDE at H+4 HR 4. Minimal collatoral damage or disruption to civilian way of life b. Concept 1. At H-Hour C Squadron, reinforced with Engineers, will conduct a recon-in-force to clear enemy forces from OBJ BLACK. 2. A Squadron (armor) will arrive once OBJ BLACK has been cleared- they will continue their advance south along HWY 90 and/or HWY 10 to destroy enemy elements in OBJ TAN. 3. At H+4hr, B and D Squadrons will being their attack from the north- first clearing the river-crossing site (MECH INF CO) then continuing along HWY 5 through OBJ TAN and onwards to the south. c. Fires 1. 3x 81mm tubes, in support of C Squadron 2. 3x6 SP Guns in support of A Squadron 3. 1x Company FO (C and A Squadron) IV. Service & Support Both Squadrons have organic medical, resupply, and repair assets V. Signals Friendly ID: On Map Updates: Enabled Test scenario (To verify that everything works at your end and Map Recce): Apocalypse_Woodlark TEST.sce
  4. Version 3.0.0


    Combat Power 2x PLT Challenger 2 1x PLT Ulan (Upgraded Warrior, squint hard) I. SITUATION Friendly forces from the 12th Armoured Regiment are are preparing to conduct their attack along Highway 252 to seize critical bridges at Großenmarpe. The enemy in Großenmarpe is estimated as Battalion-strength, however, we are only expecting a MECH COY in our sector which is serving as a flank protection force. We anticipate encountering enemy recon forces between Phase Line ARRAN and BADGER, with the most probably enemy defensive positions near the town of Kleinenmarpe (between PL BADGER and CARLOW). Friendly scouts made contact in Bruntrup last night but were forced to retrograde after taking casualties and direct fire from enemy armor. Objective Guardian is key terrain for supporting Großenmarpe; the enemy Brigade is in a position to support the defenses at Großenmarpe and retain those critical bridges, but their axis for reinforcing passes through Objective Guardian. Therefore we must hold Objective Guardian to protect the flank of the 12th Armoured and prevent additional enemy forces from reinforcing Großenmarpe. II. MISSION. D Squadron attacks to seize OBJ GUARDIAN not later than D+90 minutes to protect the flanks of the 12th Armoured Regiment and support an attack at Großenmarpe. III. EXECUTION Key Tasks -Clear enemy forces between PL ARRAN and CARLOW. -Seize OBJ GUARDIAN -Defend OBJ Guardian and prevent enemy reinforcements from passing into Großenmarpe. Fires 4x120mm Mortars IV SERVICE AND SUPPORT. Organic resupply and medical assets. V. SIGNALS Friendly ID: On Map Contacts: Enabled Overhead View: On
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Challenger 2 Modern Green & Black Knight colours Place challenger_decals.dds and challenger2desertized.dds Here- C:\Users\<username>\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\textures\woodland\uk or C:\Users\<username>\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\textures\Desert\uk etc Enjoy, All the Best Regards Wardog
  6. KANIUM SUNDAY 4th OF NOV 1800 GMT - Operation Bear Claw by Apocalypse Where: Kanium TS : teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077 World Clock 1900 GMT (Same time as always - now adjusted for Winter Time) BE ADVISED: Daylight Savings Time stops in Europe the night between 27´th and 28´th of October - the time below is accurate within that frame, and either way the electronic link should show you the correct time. World clock 1900 GMT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This SB session may be recorded with video and sound and uploaded, including to a public youtube channel. Everybody is Welcome: you don't have to belong to Kanium. We love playing with you all, the arranger and CO loves you even more if you sign up in advance Operation Bear Claw by Apocalypse 1. SITUATION a. An Armored Battalion from the 18th Armored Brigade is established in a deliberate defense along the Araz River. They currently have one company of T-80U tanks, supported by dismounted infantry forward of the Araz, that has established a disruption zone to provide early warning and maneuver space for the remainder of the Battalion, which has established their main battle zone around the town of Saribad. b. Friendly forces are assembling for a Brigade-sized attack to expand the bridge-head across the Araz river, and continue to the east. In this sector, Team Kanium will lead this attack by attacking to seize a foothold on the eastern bank of the Araz River, in order pass elements from 2nd Battalion that will continue their attack to the East. c. A cell-leader from the Azarian Freedom Brigade, Mr. Faziz Zaidov, has contacted us claiming to have important information on the 18th Division composition around OBJ GRIZZLY. You may visit him in Mazali to see what information he has (dismounts are only able to activate this event after standing next to him for 8 seconds) 2. MISSION Team Kanium attacks to seize OBJ Grizzly to establish a foothold on the Eastern bank of the Araz and pass friendly, follow-on forces. 3. EXECUTION a. Purpose. The purpose of this operation is to seize a foothold across the Eastern bank of the Araz river, so that follow-on forces have freedom of movement. b. Key Tasks 1. Be prepared to clear Imshili of enemy forces that may potentially hinder the passage of follow-on friendly forces. 2. Establish a river crossing point that will facilitate the passage of a follow-on battalion. 3. Seize OBJ GRIZZLY. c. End State i. Terrain. OBJ GRIZZLY and a bridge crossing site on the Araz River are seized. ii. Friendly: Friendly forces are prepared to safely pass follow-on forces from 2nd Battalion. ii. Enemy: Elements of the 18th Armored Brigade are defeated, destroyed, or neutralized; unable to interfere with friendly, follow-on forces. iii. Civilian: Minimal collateral damage and disruption to the civilian way of life. d. Fires 6x Guns (Offscreen) 1x FO (F-1)
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Challenger 2 Woodland Heavy Dirt 2048 and 1024 files provided Enjoy Regards Wardog
  8. Challenger 2 Woodland Heavy Dirt 2048 + 1024 files provided Regards
  9. Wardog

    More or Less

    Fellas wondered what others thought, have been working on a new CR2, some friends asked me about doing a dirty and real dirty woodland, so had a go, first pictures extra dirt, then less, curious if others think too much, Cheers. Extra Dirt Layer Extra Dirt Layer Less Dirt again less Understand a personal preference but curious, thanks
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This is the third mission to the series. We see the the contact with the first bulf of the main armoured force. We have a defensive line set up near defense line Charlie, with TOW units, ITV's and FISTV's. The worst part is that there is an imminant attack... The good news however, its stopped raining. USMC will arrive however ETA unknown. 1 PARA will airdrop 2 GTK Boxer Troops as a response shock force. Cobras are inbound, 3 mins ETA. Notes: The Routes are randomised... Again no voices, sorry. Any problems send me a msg.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    The second part of Operation Salvation. Now we are engaging tanks that are t-90MS's. They are holding villages and towns, and we need to take the bridges. On map artillery. An airborne Helo Asset platoon UAV. It is a VERY long scenario. It will take at least 3 hrs.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    An unrealistic scenario... The Taliban have found a lost and abandoned soviet base in the mountains where they have acquired a large force of BMP's and Transports. They are going to assault FOB Edinburgh. This means that we need to take defensive positions. Repel the assualt and make a counter charge to finish off the enemy so that they have no vehicles left. Challenger 2's are not in Afghanistan, but they will be needed. Good luck.
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