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Explorer (4/14)

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  1. If there's a spot for a newbie to help the CO I'll take it. Otherwise, A14.
  2. Guess I'll jump on the dog pile. I think people get used to mainstream games and start to forget that military simulators are a niche of a niche of a niche. There just isn't a lot of customers and not a lot of competition. Everyone loves capitalism until it doesn't benefit them.
  3. Understood. I'll take B11 or B21. I'll platoon lead for any platoon that doesn't get another person who wants to lead.
  4. Im interested in helping out the CO so I can learn more about commanding. If either of those fit the bill I'll take it. If not I'll take a mech inf slot.
  5. Hi, I'm starting to get the hang of the RTS portion of this game but I'm not sure which stock scenarios are good for a beginner. I would like to try scenarios that feature the following: No larger than company size Include both tanks and mechanized infantry Simpler the better Any recommendations would be appreciated.
  6. This is awesome! Coming from Combat Mission where new features are few and far between it's pretty cool to see all this new functionality coming out.
  7. My plans were rescheduled for Sunday. PST start time is 11am and my plans are at 2pm(Need to leave around 1:50) is this sufficient?
  8. Helicopters don’t come with coke and hookers 0/5. More automation is always good.
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