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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Version 1.0


    A Platoon 2.PsvK/II PsP consisting of 3 x Leopard 2A4 tanks is tasked to defend key strategic point on the front line with Jaeger platoon against concentrated enemy armored offensive. After defeating the offensive the task is to conduct swift counter-attack against enemy reserves with the aid of a reinforcement T-72m1 platoon. Briefing in Finnish and English.
  2. GF 7800 should be out for AGP too this spring, I'm probably going to buy it since I don't want to invest on CPU+Motherboard+Memory+video card just to get PCI-Express.
  3. I think esim could have some 3rd party help for free from the community, at least exterior models of various vehicles could be done by the community then coded into SB Pro PE by the devs. Just look how gorgeous some of Operation Flashpoint community-made tanks look and IL2 planes not made by their employees. It would save resources and money in my opinion and help SB Pro/SB2 more diverse and successfull.
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