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Maic last won the day on May 1 2023

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  1. Maic

    Sliver targets

    We need "hold fire on current target, engage anything else" option. I want my platoon to keep scanning and to engage potential targets at will. I guess I could order fire at will again when someone reports something new, but that adds delay.
  2. "but is there a physical switch I can toggle from the Eye view? " Its behind and a little above the gunner's sight on the left-hand side. It won't be visible when sitting at the standard view in gunner's position. However you can see it if you look downwards while sitting in gunner's position in F1 mode, press N to "move head down", and then look up. Here.
  3. I changed the map to use Kouvostoliitto UID 41537f18-8f1f-4f1c-bc2a-60dfd1e4cd62 This is the version of the map that was used in the latest Kanium mission (Defence of Narva) so I believe it is more common version of the map
  4. Version 1.12


    Fight a hasty defence against a reinforced Russian tank company in semi forested terrain. Its pretty much just your platoon against a overwhelming force. Can you do it? Map info: Replaced the Kouvostoliitto map with its original version: Kouvostoliitto, UID: 41537f18-8f1f-4f1c-bc2a-60dfd1e4cd62
  5. I'll be in Lumi's crew or I can take my own tank the need be
  6. A spot in Leo 2 please. Also @Lumituisku Evil can gun for me if he wants.
  7. General Schwarzkopf explains the strategy used in Desert storm quite well in his famous news conference. Recommend a watch.
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