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Valleyboy last won the day on August 18 2021

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  1. Bonus Smart 155 round in combat, allegedly:
  2. Now that I'm back from travels, I did manage to find this on my main machine. FWIW, your mileage may vary, as this isn't a complete mission, more of a sandbox/movie set for our tutorial video. Still, if it inspires or helps you create something more useful for yourself and other users, feel free to use it. jim-lr_mountains_arty_set2.sce
  3. I'll give that a shot sometime though. "Luke...."
  4. Hello -- As the narrator of said video, I'll chime in. In Planning, or in-game: Left click and drag to highlight the vehicles you want in the taskforce. Then right-click on a unit to make the below dialog appear: Planning: In-Game:
  5. True enough, IR/Thermal/ect. seems to be dropping rapidly in pricing. Getting it small seems to be the only expensive part at this point, and presumably in the next 3-5 years, one or more of the above will be standard with some set of medium-priced personal drones.
  6. Fun game last night, I really enjoyed it and it kept us captivated the entire time. Very much a nail-biter.
  7. Valleyboy


    Hi jlh -- I'm wondering, could it be that you were trying to select the drone from the map view (F5, click on drone, try to hit F3 or F7 but it's not working), as opposed to clicking on the unit that launched it, hitting F7, and then hitting F3? While you can hit F8 (external view) for the drone after selecting it from the map, you can't control the micro UAV from that screen, it has to be from the unit that controls it.
  8. Valleyboy


    Sounds like we need to do a tutorial....
  9. Thank you! I will give it a try when able.
  10. It's been a great campaign so far (and not just because we won some). Lots of fun, a good tactical mix and a good opportunity for those of us who played Red last time to see what Blue's side of things looks like. Also a good chance to team up with some folks who aren't on my usual team in past months.
  11. One thing to keep in mind is that after the campaign is over, we'll likely be back to a mix of missions with lots of variety in terms of what units are being used and what's being accomplished, sometimes with as many as 4 sides. You'll have a good chance every Friday to get used to being on the same team with a lot of the long-term players of Steel Beasts (I'm a noob myself), so while you already came at an opportune time, you'll get to see a lot of variety outside of the existing campaign fairly soon.
  12. It was a fun game, I think we all respected Red's decision to not push for a breakthrough because it would have gotten pretty bloody and I think not to Red's advantage, though maybe closer on points. On the other hand, the divisional commissar is detecting a distinct reluctance to die for one's country. Western Europe doesn't conquer itself.
    I enjoyed it. Do you have an updated version, with a briefing?
  13. Brown shag carpet in our house too, growing up.... bleh. We finally replaced it in the late 80s.
  14. My pleasure. I'm still trying to find out what map this goes with. I'm hoping @SippyCup can address this, as I'm not sure how anyone else can play this without knowing that.
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