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Gibsonm last won the day on November 19

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    Canberra, Australia

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  1. The circle indicates line of sight. If the circle is clear then the waypoint has LOS to there. If the circle is black then the waypoint has no LOS to there and the unit will adjust its position to try to make the LOS clear (because that is what you told it to do - go to this location and look at this [circle] spot). Often people complain as to why a unit moves when it gets to a given waypoint, but usually the issue is that gets to the waypoint and then tries to adjust in an attempt to comply with the "order" to observe the circle. If you want a unit to move to a location and stay in the initial location, make sure the LOS circle is clear. Have a look here: https://www.steelbeasts.com/sbwiki/index.php?title=Planning_Phase#Line_of_Sight_Tools Particularly in the section "Creating Battle Positions" Also note the part about the shading reflecting the primary weapon range.
  2. Updated to make it more generic (now not just "tanks").
  3. Also the discarding sabots are not good for friendly Infantry directing in front of your tank (or other nearby vehicles).
  4. Yes they do. There is also a "German speakers only" session on your Sunday night.
  5. I think this has been mentioned a few times previously but may be news to you. The location of the AAR "ray" is not exact. Its in the same category of not showing individuals inside the vehicle (i.e. not making stuff up purely for entertainment value). Maybe the round hit the top of the mantlet, or the turret roof, or maybe the cupola but the take away is that the tank is destroyed.
  6. Thanks for the prompt response and successful resolution.
  7. I've wasted enough typing on this in the Sheridan replacement thread. You are entitled to an opinion, as am I. Neither of which count. The ones that count are the people who define the requirements and put it out to market. In all three cases they decided that to keep within weight, cost, logistic support and mission scope limitations, that the 105mm was the adequate choice.
  8. Didn't someone tell you that you had to apply for leave?
  9. Plus its "good enough" for the envisioned role for the platform.
  10. Daylight Saving has kicked in here and for the next 6 months the country is broken up into yet more time zones. By now most readers will already know who BG ANZAC is, so I'll put the information relevant to this week in first, then background, etc. If you are new to the Forum, feel free to read the entire post. IMPORTANT: As a serving Officer, I am not allowed to make "public comment" about topics without clearance. This is why my signature block says what it says to cover written comment. Recorded audio on YouTube = "Public Comment", especially if I were to express a personal opinion (without knowing someone was recording). In addition recording people's voices in Australia is illegal without their permission or a Warrant. If you want to record a session, ASK! We maybe about fit you in (I maybe able to play the OPFOR, etc.). If you don't ask: a. Expect me to ask you to remove the YouTube (or other media). b. Don't be too surprised if you aren't welcomed back. BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front): Your Local time: Click on this link for Local time in your part of the world Count down (based on local Canberra time): Time remaining until Meeting start Mission will start promptly at 0830 GMT. If you want a pre game "chat" then by all means come on line at say 0830 GMT, but so that the Kiwi's aren't after Midnight, the Mission will commence promptly at 0830 GMT. Agenda: Based on the recent sustained good attendance, we are embarking on a more structured approach (only sustainable if the attendance is maintained). Planned Agenda: 1st meeting: Teach / Discuss a topic (Attack, Defence, Convoy Escort, Reserve Demolition, OPs, ...) using a scenario / map as the basis for discussion. As to what we cover, that will be will be determined by the response to the related email "newsletter" for this Wednesday sent to regular attendees. 2nd meeting: First volunteer develops a plan for the tactical problem and we see how they go. There will be a brief debrief at the end looking at strengths / weaknesses of their solution, which the person COing the next week is free to incorporate into their solution. 3rd meeting: We play the same scenario with a different CO (each able to improve / adjust their plan based on their predecessor). 4th meeting: We play the same scenario with a different CO (each able to improve / adjust their plan based on their predecessor). 5th meeting (if there is one in a given month): Q & A - You need to supply the questions or a "player's choice" determined by responses here / to email. As always, visitors (apart from one individual) / first timers / spectators are welcome. Current Standard: 4.397 Refer here: Please use the new Calendar RSVP function or post here to facilitate planning. Background: Who is BG ANZAC? https://www.bganzac.org Described here: http://www.steelbeasts.com/sbforums/showthread.php?t=21753 A couple of examples of the BattleGroup at work: Multi Player session: Training session: Timings: Thursday evenings, Australian East Coast time. Daylight Saving has kicked in here and for the next 6 months the country is broken up into yet more time zones. Next meeting: 0830 GMT on Thursday, November 21st 0830 in London 1630 in Perth 1800 in Darwin 1900 in Adelaide 1930 in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra 1830 in Brisbane 2130 in Auckland In game chat / Communications: You'll need access to "Teamspeak" to communicate with us. The Teamspeak software is available here: Download Teamspeak client software How to connect and use it is detailed here: Steel Beasts Wiki Entry - Starter Pack Primary = eSim Teamspeak. Alternate = BG ANZAC Teamspeak. Contingency = BG ANZAC Discord. Emergency = Perhaps Teamviewer? Remote Access / Screen Sharing / Whiteboard Sessions: We continue the use of TeamViewer so people without the Steel Beasts software can connect and see and hear what we see and hear (looking over our shoulder if you like). Team Viewer available here This maybe a suitable vehicle for people to see what the software is all about (you can even use it on a Mac), without having to invest in even a short time limited copy. Anyway we'll see how it goes. So if you are interested, visit our Discord site https://discord.gg/YyrUtH3 and sign up.
  11. Yes you are. From my post you should have gone to the page and found this:
  12. Well that practice is illegal (safety breach) in the RAAC for both the M1A1 AIM and the M1A2 SEP V3 family.
  13. From your other post: "I have version 4.25." and based on here: https://www.esimgames.com/store/ Specifically "Upgrade License from version 4.1" I'd say "yes". I'm pretty sure your current license covered you up to 4.2 but not to 4.3 or beyond.
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