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Sean last won the day on September 7 2024

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Community Answers

  1. Sean


    Make sure a proxy or vpn is not in use, that would block it from working.
  2. Can he try registering with a incognito window in the browser he is using? It will disable browser plug ins.
  3. Looks like someone already cleaned up the bad links. Sorry you ran into the bad links. As others have pointed out, the best place to look for mods is the downloads area.
  4. Hi all - Due to the possibility of quickly spinning out of control, we can't have political discussion here. This can be really hard to do during a discussion of how a war is executed.
  5. Hi, I would look to see if you have other software that is modifying the sound output on the pc, and preventing SB audio from working like it should.
  6. Hi, Do you happen to run any debuggers? That will lock the container. If you can run cmdust from the start menu -> codemeter -> cmdust and email the generated file to ssnake @ esim, he should be able to help.
  7. Is there anything at all here? C:\Users\username\Documents What are the permissions on that folder? Your user name, SYSTEM and administrators should have full rights on that folder.
  8. Is it possible to disable your antivirus temporarily and try again? Are you running the installer as admin? Is the installer run with the default options?
  9. I added this as an enhancement request. Good idea!
  10. The only way that should happen is if it were already installed, or you accidentally ran the installer for 4.379. Given the way that the version numbers unfortunately worked out, it would be easy to do.
  11. It says its already up to date - 4.397, and its not going to uninstall what is already up to date. In order to REinstall, you would need to take some action to remove the already up to date version from programs and features, then rerun the bundle installer.
  12. Haven't seen a v59, so hopefully a typo.
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