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Everything posted by Red2112

  1. I would pat Benatar any time! Teenage crush 😁 Recce musak...
  2. Red2112


    Shadows of Forbidden Gods, bring on the apocalypse over the world In this dark god strategy game. Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1741640/Shadows_of_Forbidden_Gods/
  3. I forgot to mention that the sim Is focused on online PVP races 😉
  4. From Stefano Casillo (Kunos Simulazioni / Asseto Corsa) comes Hydrofoil Generation... Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1448820/Hydrofoil_Generation/
  5. You´re welcome, and glad you like It. 👍 I´ll have to have a look at that book, thanks for the recommendation. Cheers
  6. The Flysimware Cessna 414 Chancellor: https://www.flysimware.com/FLYSIMSTORE/msfs-2020-new/46-flysimware-cessna-414aw-chancellor-msfs2020.html Dev has been updating It regularly. I always have a twin In my hanger. It used to be The Baron (MilViz) In P3D, but this time I went for this great rendition of the Flysimware´s Cessna 414 because I like It better then the MilVIz 310 among other things. I also have the Kodiak 100, Van´s RV-10, and Zenith CH701 STOL, but I can´t say I am to happy about the Van´s and Zenith from Sim Works Studios (SWS). I mostly do bush trips with //42 The Skypark, and I use the default Cessna 208 Caravan for my Air Hauler 2 needs for now, but I also like airliners. PMDG new update workaround...
  7. True, and It Is known. Still, at the asking price It Is unique and challenging. I think It´s a one man team, but yeah very slow, not sure how his other side project (tied to this one) will ever see the light. I am not very good at It, I don´t practice my combat (swings) enough because I only play it once In awhile. That said, there´s no hand holding here, not even a map so It´s easy to get lost. What I do Is leave useless objects I find In front of the doors/chambers that I have already explored. That´s one trick I saw a guy do In some of his videos.
  8. Oh yeah. I have spoken with the dev In some occasion. Really nice guy, and talented. I too look forward to It´s release, but from what I know that won´t happen any time soon. More like 2024, or might be In EA late 2023. But yes, best thing to come to space sims imo.
  9. Red2112


    Waronoi Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1444550/Waronoi/
  10. On sale... The AI is strong with this one.
  11. Red2112


    Fear God & Dread Nought 2nd Edition Tactical Warfare 1906 - 1926 (Admiralty Trilogy Group). Wargame Vault (PDF): https://www.wargamevault.com/product/254811/Fear-God--Dread-Nought-2nd-Edition?src=hottest_filtered Can be played via TTS with this module (free): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2905721009
  12. Red2112


    Nope. If I knew when and at what price It will be released maybe I would.
  13. Red2112


    Just got Into SRU and Galactic Ruler. SR 2030 Is in the works...
  14. That´s great to hear/read. In a way, that´s why I like to support small teams and/or solo devs now day´s. They work how they like, and do what they want. No pressure from Investors or deadlines to meet. They can make there game the way they want to, and even add what there users want. Unfortunately It´s not always the case with Indy devs, and there´s always a risk at hand, but one can usually make out when a dev Is passionate and dedicated to his project. Bigger budgets don´t always mean better and more.
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