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Files posted by RedWardancer

  1. Donetsk Phase 2 Offensive

    Here's another large scale scenario I started back in 2021 that sat on my shelf for a few years.  In this "What if", the Ukrainian government was fed up with the separation of their lands in the Donbass region, resulting in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR).  So, after purchasing billions of dollars in US equipment, the UA decided to take back their lands with a massive lightning-quick offensive.  The opposing separatists were caught completely by surprise and lost lots of terrain in the first few days, including the DPR "capitol" of Donetsk itself.  Here, you get to take over the aftermath of annexing that city.
    This is a single player (or coop) scenario involving a full strength battalion against roughly a weakened regiment sized opponent.  As per my MO, there are no passwords locking this in, nor are there any points to score.  It's an open ended, sandbox scenario, also my MO.  Should be good to play on 4.379 and other versions. 


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  2. Ukraine vs. Russia, NE attack

    Started this back in 2019-2020 as a single player scenario for my own use.  This is the opening invasion of Ukraine as the attacking Russian Federation forces in the NE area of the border.  In reference the location is centered on the city of Novopskov.  This is a huge scenario involving a full-strength Russian regiment against a full-strength Ukrainian mechanized battalion, supported by a national guard battalion and a handful of border police units.  You can play this as single player, COOP, or even H2H with some adjustments.  I NEVER place password protections on my scenarios, this allows players to tinker with it as they see fit for they own purposes.  Add replay value in my opinion.
    For the Russians, they are missing air units and MLRS, the Ukrainians have no air units.  Nobody has offboard artillery, it's either onboard or you just don't have it.  Lots of moving parts involved, but you have unlimited time to play this out.  
    Good gaming!


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  3. UA Convoy Strike

    The enemy has invaded!  In the attack, your heavy recon platoon was cut off from friendly areas.  You must make it back to friendly lines before a much larger enemy force finds you.
    On your way, you get a message from HQ that a HUGE enemy supply convoy is bottlenecked nearby.  Find and cause as much havoc on that supply column and break off before the QRF arrives to destroy you.
    NOTE: This is a "what if" when Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022.  The Russians experienced a massive logistical problem that created miles and miles of vehicles stuck on road bumper to bumper.  
    What if...


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  4. Modern Russian Separate Motor Rifle Regiment/Brigade template

    With what little information I could find, this is as close to a modern Russian regiment I could create into a usable template.  Each BMP company (9 in all) has a platoon of tanks attached as would be normal SOP, split off from three tank companies, with a fourth tank company in reserve with the regimental HQ.  Each of the three front line battalion has a headquarters composed of platoons with the following unit designations:
    #1, snipers
    #2, AGL
    #3, ATGM
    #4, recon
    #5, mortars (81mm longtube)
    #6, mortars (81mm longtube)
    #7, engineers
    #8, supply
    #9, fuel
    #10, maintenance
    #11, medic
    The AT and artillery battalions are pretty straightforward.  The Regimental HQ battalion has companies set up as platoons of 6 units in each (supply, engineer, etc) with some exceptions.  
    I did not adjust the infantry squads and teams to fit any specific purpose.  I've noticed there is a lavish amount of snipers at the platoon, company, battalion, and regimental level.  If you feel the need to adjust these, do so.  
    Hope this helps.  


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