Ok, I will look forward to it!
Update, i made a bit more testing and find out why AI Leos and other do not spot targets beyond the 4k range :
this all has to do with visual range, by default set to 4000m.
Both Leos or Chally do not spot targets beyond 4k when visual range is set to 4000m, even when we human can see and ID target from TC thermals. However T72B3 & M1A2 are not affected (as much - when visual range is set to 10m, everyone is blind -) and can still detect and report.
When visual range is set beyond 4K, AI can detect target much further. Leo 2 AI can spot up to 5k, M1A2 way beyond that.
AI holds fire for all tanks but missile-loaded-T72B3 between 4-5k, including M1A2. But yes, M1 & Chally can still fire when human controlled.
However, even human controlled, why cannot Leo2A6 fire beyond 4km? Rounds will just not go.
Human controlled M1 on the other hand, can fire up to 5k, but beyond that, all rounds land short.
Anyway, thanks for the explanations!