Auszug aus dem Befehl des Bataillonskommandeurs für den ...
1) Lage:
a) Feind:
Enemy Forces in and around WIETZENDORF have been neutralized.
One remaining enemy MechBn is fighting a delay/rear guard battle west of MUNSTER and is pinned down there by PzBtl 325
In front of our BN we currently have no cohesive enemy defence, but some remaining mostly paltoon to company size remanents.
Enemy reeforcements are moving inot the area, their lead element have been detected 30km east of Uelzen. It will be at least at least 3-4 hours till those are effective in our AoR.
The enemy has used the armour school building as Divisional Headquarters, the ammunition bunkers south of the school have been used as a supply area.
Signal and aerial reccon suggest that the enemy is currently trying to evacuate the HQ and remove the stored ammuntions.
The enemy Div HQ is defended by a company size light infantry unit.
b) Eigene:
PzGren BN 322 is currently in positions north west of Wietzendorf, conducting security operations and resupply/replen.
2nd(nd) Company is the only company already back at 100% strenght, and in good positions to exploit the enemy weakness
2) Auftrag:
2nd company is to conduct a quick raid to bypass Munster and destroy the enemy DivHQ and other targets of opportunity.
3) Durchführung:
6th(F) company, AT-platoon will establish positions at MUNSTER_SÜD training area to
overwatch 2nd(B) Companies attack and secure the right flank of the raid....
2nd (B) company will push west , and the attack north in order to destroy the enemy HQ and retake the armour school area
4) Unterstützung, Unterstellungen und Abgaben:
a) Artillerie:
Fire support only by 6th company Mortar plt.
5) Führung und Fm-Wesen: