Having been playing for a while a few things on the mission editing, gaming side. First im big on making my own scenarios. The problem is the time it takes. Sometimes I never get to play the scenario as I never have time to get to that point, and then lose interest. To help sped things up City or town template bits would be nice. Pre-made blocks, customized city block would save hours of work. Formation templates, been able to add a formation at the touch of a button from Platoon up to Battalion or even just the larger formations. I have always wished we had a save game function so I don’t have to lose all my hard work as never enough time to see a game through. It would be nice if the AAR end result could then be brought into the mission editor. So that a mission can be based on the results of the last game played, don’t know if that is possible. Other stuff, would be nice if helos where tactically useful with a lift ability. Also a truck or PCs that can load wondering troops. But I believe the problem of troops left scattered all over the battle field by there PCs is been dealt with right? Could route chains and waypoints indicate what unit they belong to. with a big scenario its hard to track who a long chain belongs to and its time consuming working out what belongs to who, or is there a way to do this? Thanks