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Leon Portier

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Leon Portier last won the day on October 4

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About Leon Portier

  • Birthday 08/30/1993

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  • Location
    Bavaria, Germany

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  1. Ben's Combined Arms, action cut
    Very nice scenario. Its great to have both a tank and a mechanized platoon work together. I also liked the big fight where the enemy reenforcement comes in. With the time limit the scenario is challenging too, since it makes one prioritize and hunting down enemy infantry in the city did cost me the victory. The entrenched infantry of the enemy is nice too.
  2. Here's a cool little touch I enjoy. When Steel Beasts is in English, units report in audio as 2-1, 3-1 or 2-3 as they are shown on the map. In the German dub the same units report in as "Bravo" for 2-1 and "Charly" for 3-1 and "Bravo 2" for 2-3. So the system is Alpha=1, Bravo=2 etc. And for the second number its just the its just one number less "Eins" for x-2, "Zwei" for x-3 and nothing for x-1. Both English and German dubs have all units identefy themselves from 1-1 to 4-4 for the English. Or "Alpha" to "Delta Drei" in the German one. Anything higher skips the unit identification and they just say their message like "...under fire" I've set up a little setup for anyone who wants to try it out, firing at other troops as the machinegun unit to make them do calls. Unit Voice Test.sce
  3. Not 100% sure yet that I can show up - would be happy about A1C or be some other pawn
  4. I'm seconding this now. Used Lutris Flatpack edition on my Linux Mint to install SB. Grabbed the CodeMeter Linux Runtime (.deb because Linux Mint is Debian based.) from the Wibu-Systems Website. No fiddeling with settings whatsoever, it just works. My CodeMeter Dongle works. Made a little mission in the editor, played it, performance is as usual. I didn't test any MultiPlayer, other simulator's MP like DCS or IL2 work in Lutris fine so I'd assume it works too. Tldr: Lutris good, SB good - Good times! Edit: Should the text look weird, install Arial, in Lutris just select the game and click the wine glass on the bottom. Edit 2: Multiplayer works, both hosting and joining.
  5. Half a second before TOW impact, feeling dangerous and in danger
  6. Thanks for making a guide! Didn't get the idea to use Proton. Maybe when I get around to it, I'll try making a Proton bottle and see how that goes. Proton and Wine are making progress fast so I'm pretty hopeful we'll get SB to work without dual booting.
  7. Very nice! Did move my troops a few times, since the enemy didn't come from where I anticipated. Also liked the use of helos going behind my lines.
  8. I've figured out the 3d commands that were always on the bottom right of the screen. They're so cool I've put a guidish thing together. I've so far only used it so far to make my tank platoon reload and was surprised how much functionality actually is there.
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