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CZ Studios T-72M1 Pack Russian and DDR 1.0

   (9 reviews)

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About This File

This file includes 6 skin-files for the T-72M1 in green colour. The track file is also included. The skins are: Soviet: Soviet green colour, Guards unit markings DDR: NVA green colour, NVA markings (This is made with the German guys at steelbeastspro.com in mind! Thanks for the excellent site!) No markings: Soviet green, no national etc. markings and they all come with camo nets and some light foliage for extra camo, or without - however you prefer it! The skin has lots of additional detail to make it look like it has seen some combat. This includes broken parts, towing cable moved to the rear of the vehicle, additional track-pieces in front and back hull of the tank, camo nets and some foliage to cover the vehicle's front and sides, rust and of course a load of mud and dirt. Also the markings are made to look like they are added by the crews and not for parades. And of course the overall detail of the vehicle is much improved! To install copy the skin you want to use + track to your "my documents\esim games\Steel Beasts\Mods\Textures\(theme)\" and if you wish to have it only for red side, copy to "my documents\esim games\Steel Beasts\Mods\Textures\(theme)\red\" The skin is made by Congo & Zipuli, Congo being responsible for the detailing and good looks of the tank, and Zip for the bad condition it is in + camo nets, track and markings! Hope you enjoy watching the skins in your gunner's primary sight! Version 1.0 (3 Sep 2006) CZ Studios

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