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T-72M(1) USSR (4.161 1.0.0

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1 Screenshot

About This File

T72M_M1 texture for a USSR scheme.

This skin texture is shared in common with both the T-72A and T-72A/M1 models. It will not work with T-72B or T-72M4 models.


Included is an optional texture for the commander's NSV 12.7mm heavy machine gun mount, if not used, then the default NSV file will look rather discolored from the rest of the model.

Note that this file must be placed in the top level seasonal theme in the mod directory, rather than the nation specific mod folder. Fore example:


T72M_M1 file may be placed in the default installation directory  Documents -> eSim Games -> Steel Beasts -> mods -> textures -> woodland -> ussr

NSV file is placed in the directory Documents -> eSim Games -> Steel Beasts -> mods -> textures -> woodland.


Two slightly different versions are included, the first version includes additional identification stripe on the track skirt, which is removed from the second version.

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