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RIMZ "de Asturias" Nº31 1.0

   (4 reviews)

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About This File

Hello friends, here I present my personal skin for the VCI / C Pizarro MK-30. This decoration is from a Pizarro RIMZ "Asturias" Nº 31's, more specifically, his second company, belonging to the only operational Battalion of the Regiment, which is called Covadonga I/31. The Mechanized Infantry Regiment (RIMZ) comes under Armored Infantry Brigade (BRIAC) "Guadarrama".
Hola amigos, aquí os presento mi piel personal del VCI/C Pizarro MK-30. Esta decoración pertenece a un Pizarro del RIMZ "Asturias" Nº31, más concretamente a su segunda compañía, perteneciente al único batallón operativo de dicho regimiento, el cual se denomina Covadonga I/31. El Regimiento de Infantería Mecanizada está encuadrado en la Brigada de Infantería Acorazada (BRIAC) "Guadarrama" XII.

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