CV 90/35-DK
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CV 90/35: Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Main Gun: Oerliken 35mm Autocannon
Ammunition Stowage: 70 ready/140 stowed
Ammunition Caliber: 35 x 228mm
Default Ammunition: 35/70 APFSDS, 35/70 ABM (KETF)
Coaxial Machine Gun:
Ammunition Stowage: 250 ready/1500 stowed
Default Ammunition: 250/1500 7.62mm AP (NATO)
Grenades: HE Grenades
Ammunition Stowage: 2 ready/2 stowed
Default Ammunition: 2/2 HE Grenades
Grenades: Smoke Grenades
Ammunition Storage: 8 salvo ready/8 stowed
Default Ammunition: (Left) 3/3 Smoke*, (Right) 3/3 Smoke*, (Front) 2/2 Smoke*
- Only 3 salvos of smoke should be available, it is suggested that only 1 be allowed on each arc in the scenario editor.
Armour Protection:
Front Turret: Protected from 30 mm AP
Front Hull: Protected from 30mm AP
Equipped with spall liners